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API Documentation: Privacy Requests


Prior to moving to a deployable webserver with a built-in UI, the Fides privacy automation platform relied on detailed API usage guides to walk users through available features and tools. This guide served to introduce technical users to the legal aspect of privacy requests and requirements, and document the methods developers could use to integrate Fides' open-source software into their workflows.

What is a privacy request?

Privacy requests are Fides' representation of Data Subject Requests (DSRs) or Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs). Laws like the European Union’s GDPR, California’s CCPA, and Connecticut’s CTDPA grant individuals the legal right to access, modify, or delete the personal data that a company holds on them.

With Fides, privacy requests submitted by your users are fulfilled immediately and automatically, returning and impacting data described by customizable execution policies.


The /api/v1/privacy-request API is a collection of routes that create, read, and update privacy requests and related actions. Use these endpoints to create a custom privacy request experience.

Create a privacy request

POST /api/v1/privacy-request
    "external_id": "a-user-defined-id",
    "requested_at": "2021-10-31T16:00:00.000Z",
    "policy_key": "a-demo-policy",
    "identity": {
      "email": "",
      "phone_number": "+1 (123) 456 7891"

The above request will apply the a-demo-policy execution policy to all target data that can be generated from the email address, and the phone number +1 (123) 456 7891.


Execution policies specify what actions to take when a user submits a request to retrieve or delete their data. These policies describe how to access, mask, or erase any information that matches the submission.

Attribute Description
external_id Optional. An identifier to track the privacy request for reporting.
requested_at Optional. An ISO8601 timestamp specifying the moment that the request was submitted. Defaults to the created_at time if not specified.
policy_key Identifies the execution policy applied to this request.
identities An array of objects. These objects identify any users whose data will be affected by the execution policy. Each object identifies a single user.

Subject identity verification

Fides supports user verification prior to request processing. With identify verification enabled, a user will be emailed a six-digit code when they submit a privacy request. They must supply that verification code to Fides to continue privacy request execution.


To use identity verification, the subject_identity_verification_required variable in your fides.toml configuration file must be set to TRUE.

The privacy request status is set to identity_unverified until the verification request receives a response.

POST api/v1/privacy-request/{privacy_request_id}/verify
{"code": "verification code"}

Approve and deny privacy requests


Fides processes privacy requests immediately by default. To review privacy requests before they are executed, the require_manual_request_approval variable in your fides.toml configuration file must be set to TRUE.

To process pending privacy requests, a list of privacy request IDs can be sent to either the approve or deny endpoints. Both endpoints support processing requests in bulk.

PATCH api/v1/privacy-request/administrate/approve

Optionally, a denial reason can be provided when denying a privacy request:

PATCH api/v1/privacy-request/administrate/deny
  "reason": "Requests denied as duplicates"

Monitor in-progress requests

Privacy requests can be monitored at any time throughout their execution by calling either of the following endpoints:

GET request
GET request

Restart failed requests

To restart a failed privacy request, call the following endpoint with an empty request body:

POST /api/v1/privacy-request/<privacy_request_id>/retry

Encrypt requests

Access request results can be encrypted by supplying an encryption_key string in the request body. Fides uses the supplied encryption_key to encrypt the contents of your JSON and CSV results using an AES-256 algorithm in GCM mode.

Your encryption_key must be 16 bytes long. The data returned will have the nonce concatenated to the encrypted data.

POST /privacy-request
        "requested_at": "2021-08-30T16:09:37.359Z",
        "identity": {"email": ""},
        "policy_key": "my_access_policy",
        "encryption_key": "test--encryption"

Decrypt results

Fides encrypts request data using your provided key, and an internally-generated nonce with an AES 256 algorithm in GCM mode. The return value is a 12-byte nonce plus the encrypted data that is b64 encoded together.

| nonce (12 bytes) | message (N bytes) |
To decrypt the results, you must convert the message to bytes, decode the b64 string, and separate the 12-bite nonce from the encrypted message. You can then use any GCM decryption library to decrypt the message with your private encryption string.

In the example below, a message was encrypted using the key test--encryption, resulting in an encrypted string. After converting and decoding the b64 string, the nonce can be separated from the resulting bites, and the message decrypted using the AESGCM lirary.

Sample decryption
import json
import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM

encrypted: str = "GPUiK9tq5k/HfBnSN+J+OvLXZ+GCisapdI2KGP7A1WK+dz1XHef+hWb/SjszdqdNVGvziyY6GF5KIrvrXgxjZuaAvgU=" 
encryption_key: str = "test--encryption".encode("utf-8")  # Your private encryption string

encrypted_combined: bytes = base64.b64decode(encrypted)
nonce: bytes = encrypted_combined[0:12]
encrypted_message: bytes = encrypted_combined[12:]
gcm = AESGCM(encryption_key)

decrypted_bytes: bytes = gcm.decrypt(nonce, encrypted_message, nonce)
decrypted_str: str = decrypted_bytes.decode("utf-8")

Sample result
>>> {"street": "test street", "state": "NY"}